Central Business District Code Compliance Program
In June of 2021, the Ponca City Utility Authority Board of Trustees approved a resolution re-establishing a financial incentive program for the purpose of spurring housing activity in Ponca City, and a total of $300,000 was initially set aside to fund the program.
The resolution provides for incentives given to developers of projects that result in the new construction or rehabilitation of housing units of all types, where the older HIP versions were limited to builders of new single-family units only. The rehabilitation of existing buildings and multi-family housing units became an eligible development project to encourage the adaptive reuse of older properties. The HIP 2.0 also encourages the development of buildable lots in order to create new residential subdivisions within the City. Qualified developers execute a development agreement with PCUA that details the scope of work and generally what is expected of each party in exchange for the financial incentive. The HIP 2.0 resolution states: The PCUA shall annually appropriate a set aside in the amount of $300,000.00 for the sole and only purpose of providing financial incentives to qualified developers who construct new or rehabilitated housing units in accordance with the resolution provisions. The annual set aside may be increased, decreased, or terminated in the future by the PCUA Trustees as necessary to meet the continued purpose and intent of the program.